

Kingdom Mind

Kingdom Mind is a space to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In the beginning I had this burning desire to, “do something to honor God’’. And since I have been blessed with the gift of teaching, I figured this is what I needed to be doing to bless the Body of Christ.

I know what it is to look for a space or a community that you can just ground yourself in, one that is Christ centered, a breath of fresh air. It can be pretty lonely out here in this cruel world. And sometimes you just need to hear that calming voice in the background while you turn on your heater and cuddle up with your favorite blanket, warm beverage and try to talk to God and get your mental footing. Ask me how I know. I am introverted to the point of needing prayer. It has to be a sin. LOL!

And so, I figured I would stop looking and create that space myself and others. Is that not just like our God though? We’ll be looking for someone else to start something up and all the while Father is telling US to do it! Well, that is the story behind Kingdom Mind. I am Michelle and I am the voice behind the Kingdom Mind YouTube Channel. And the creative hand behind this blog.

I hope that everything I put my hands to within these spaces blesses you and leads you into a closer, deeper, stronger relationship with Jesus. I believe He loves you and we both know that you are likely not on this site by happenstance.

I appreciate your support of my YouTube Channel and this website. I hope you enjoy and are blessed by the study tools that I have included and please feel free to email me with concerns and questions. Also, feel free to interact with me on my YouTube Channel. I love to hear from you all.

- Blessings!